Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Basics of Search Engine Optimization

In this article I have given an overview of SEO to you, we can achieve top ranking on search engines with continuous efforts and improving our website contents, layout and related material. I have listed all the techniques you can adopt these techniques to optimize your website and getting top ranked. I will describe each topic in detail in my coming articles.
I am writing this white paper for those people who do not have any idea about search engine optimization (SEO). Special the business community of Pakistan who do not have information on SEO and its importance in today’s world. Search Engine Optimization is the only technique to increase your business revenue form internet and global world. Making a website is not enough in this era of technology; million of website are building and uploading daily on the global internet world. Main objective to write this paper is to promote search engine optimization in Pakistan. According to an internet report over 85% of internet users, use search engines to find related websites like yours? Millions of people each day turn to the major search engines to find products, services and information. With over one billion web sites listed with search engines, how will your customers ever find you among the competition? Search Engine Optimization is the solution.

SEO technical definition

SEO is short of Search Engine Optimization. The term used to describe the marketing technique of preparing a website to enhance its chances of being ranked in the top results of a search engine once a relevant search is undertaken.

Why SEO is important today

Today, internet marketing turning point on how popular your site is. Optimizing your site for Search Engine Marketing can result in a large hit rate to your site. This happens only if your site is to show whenever somebody searches for the keywords of your site. If your site is in the top of Search Engine Rankings, you need to take recourse only to search engine promotion. This is the only way you can possibly reach all those people who are really searching for your service or product. Internet Marketing today is dependent only on search engine optimization. It matters little that your website has the most beautiful graphics or the most attractive words.

Internet marketing is now gradually increasing in Pakistan, as we are very late in this field so Pakistani websites are behind in many keywords and in generic keywords. It doesn’t means that we can not reach SEO on generic keywords but it takes a lot of continuous effort to compete the generic keywords. Most important thing in SEO is that how often a website is updated and how much popular website is.

The only way to measure the success of a Natural Search Engine Optimization Campaign is to know where you rank on the Internet's most important search engines for the keyphrases/ keywords which are relevant to your company, business.

Out of million’s of website on a single keyword (example: trading) only 10 websites comes on the first page of search engine result. 20 percent peoples open second page of the search engine result and 5 percent of the peoples go to the 3rd page, it means that only those websites/pages which are in top 30 results of the search engine will derive traffic to their websites from internet.

Basic Techniques of SEO

Optimizing a website for Search Engines is neither as difficult nor or complicated job as we think. We just need to know what practices to be done and how to do it. You can optimize your own pages yourself and receive excellent ranking in a matter of few months.

As, number of factors are important when optimizing a website, including the content and structure of the website's copy and page layout, the HTML meta-tags and the submission process.

Below is a list of items which are important in SEO. Each item are factors that search engines look for when crawling your website in my next coming articles I will discuss each item separately to improve your website in terms of each of the following factor:

Your Keywords
• Selecting your keywords
• Prioritize your keywords

Domain name / Filename
• Domain Registration
• Keyword in domain name
• Keyword in filename
• Length of Website Address

Keyword Placement
• Keyword in title tag
• Keyword in Description Meta-tag
• Keyword in Keyword Meta-tag
• Keyword in Content
• H1, H2 and H3 (Heading)
• Keyword Font Styles

Internal Links
• Keyword in links to internal site pages
• Valid internal links
• Efficient linking

External / Outgoing Links
• Quality Links
• Inspecting your Links
• Title and Description
• Limit number of links on a page

Incoming Links (backlinks)
• Quality of Referrer
• Trend of link popularity
• Anchor Text
• Age of Link
• Number of Outgoing Links on Referrer Page
• Position of Link
• Trusted Websites
• JavaScript/Flash Links

On-Page Factors
• Home Page
• Over optimization penalty (OOP)
• Getting Reported
• File Size
• Freshness of Pages
• Frequency of Updates
• Site Age
• Dynamic Pages
• Texts inside Images
• Excess JavaScript
• Inline Frames and Frames
• Hidden links / texts
• Cloaking
• Duplicate content
• Understandable Content

Off-Page Factors
• Traffic Buying / Link Schemes
• A minimum of one backlink
• Buying Links
• Server IP Address
• Links from bad websites
• Server Reliability and Uptime
User Activity
• Search Engine Traffic
• Click through Rate (CTR)
• Time spent on page
• Monitoring Bookmarks
• Leaving the Website

Gathering Links
• Collecting Links
• Unique Content
• Articles
• Press Release
• Forums / Guest books / Blogs
• Sponsoring
• Directories
• Link Exchange

On top of the factors above, I have used a term crawling there. I would like to give a brief introduction to crawling

Crawling, or web crawling is the method search engines use to create an index of the web. Pages are downloaded by an automated service, called a robot or a spider, and processed by the search engine to allow fast centralized searching. When a search engine downloads a page it generally looks at the hyperlinks on that page and processes them based on a set of policies.

In this article I have given an overview of SEO to you, we can achieve top ranking on search engines with continuous efforts and improving our website contents, layout and related material. I have listed all the techniques you can adopt these techniques to optimize your website and getting top ranked. I will describe each topic in detail in my coming articles.

Feel free for any query or help. Contact me on email or cell phone.


Highly Effective Web Techniques For Free Traffic Generation

If you have a Web site with SEO there is no useful for that site,
If you do SEO for that site then only you will get benifits from that site.
Why you pay more amounts for PPC or Adwords.
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If you have a Web site with SEO there is no useful for that site, If you do SEO for that site then only you will get benifits from that site. Why you pay more amounts for PPC or Adwords. If we your site was optimized then no need of PPC and Adwords, many big companies are taking more amount for SEO, But
Inspire IT India is one taking few amount for SEO and giving quality SEO for the customers with in time. Many people are benifited by this company and they are getting more business. Why don't you try one time for your site. Inspire IT India people also avalable maxtime to chat with you and giving suggestion online. If you want SEO for your site then ask For A Quote

We all know that traffic is the most essential thing for a successful Internet business company. There are a lot of reliable ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, though most of them would cost some money.

1) Free Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

The Adwords by Google, Yahoo's Overture and many other PPC search engines provide great sources of targeted Internet. They are very truly popular among web marketers.

Here are the good news, there are dozens of PPC search engines who will give you up to $100 in free credits to prove that pay per click advertising will work for you. To claim your credits all you need do is visit the various engines and web directories and sign-up. There are no catches and it won't cost you anything except your time. Request Quote

2) Use Profitable Keywords Or Keyword For Your Site's Content

Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword rankings to give away relevant search results. Try to employ the most profitable (higher demand) keywords at your site content. You could write your own content. If you're writing content on yourself you have to make it more entertaining as well as informative.

In doing so, you can get high rankings in search engine results and strong incoming traffic without any costs. Request Quote

3) Exchange Links With Partner Sites

Another good idea is trading links with partner sites. Exchanging or trading links with other sites, both of them could benefit. When one site features another sites link, they will provide one another with the traffic they both generate.

The efforts are doubly beneficial because it seems like both sides are working to generate doubly enhanced traffic. The more links exchanged with more sites the more traffic could be expected. Request Quote

4) Write Articles and Publish, Join Forums, Blogs Them Across The Internet

There are a lot of sites that offer free submission and posting of your articles. You'd better to submit articles to sites containing the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell computers write press releases and articles about computers and computer parts.

When people find in your article something of interest, you have good chances of following the track by finding out where the article originated. It lasts for you just to a attach a brief description of your site or service at the end of the article and to include a link. Request Quote

You can take advantage of online forums, blogs and web communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the goods or services that you represent or offer.
Request Quote

To Contact: info@inspireitindia.com.

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